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In the recent edition of my best-selling book, Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably, I wrote:
"It was 1985. Even back then, I challenged conventional assumptions about how to compete and started to view markets outside the United States as the future of the business I had started: Global TradeSource, Ltd. I even put “global,” “trade,” and “source” in the company name, thereby shifting the buyer’s possibilities from being localAs you can see, Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably is much more than a book about export. It's a book about how to establish and run a global small business that becomes great, global and soars.
to those of the world and drawing upon the distinctive strengths of alternative, growing overseas markets as those that would offer the company’s products and services.
That kind of vision, along with a more recent facilitator called the Internet, has broken down every imaginable barrier to growth and prosperity and has transformed not just how we conduct business but the world at large. The moment you create a Web site, blog, or Facebook account, your point of contact with consumers becomes global. The Internet is the great global leveler and gives everyone a chance to make spectacular strides in exporting—by finding, acquiring, and servicing customers the world over faster than ever—which in turn drives profits and growth for businesses. The blueprint for prosperity in exports is right at your fingertips. Never has there been such attention to the Internet, interconnectedness, and exporting than now."(1)
(1)©2016 Laurel J. Delaney. All rights reserved.
from The Global Small Business Blog https://ift.tt/2ubTWtl
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