Thursday, 22 August 2019

Exports Matter: Diversify Markets, Strengthen Firms and Grow Jobs

San Diego, California-based FoxFury Lighting Solutions exports cutting-edge “Xtremium” headlamp products to China, Japan, and other countries around the world, helping fire and rescue officials respond to major global humanitarian disasters from earthquakes in Fukushima and Italy to hurricanes in Puerto Rico and Texas.  Its shift from a domestically-focused company to a global exporter is an evolution that is still relatively uncommon among U.S. firms.
Many of these efforts stem from the Global Cities Initiative, which made the case in the aftermath of the Great Recession that exports mattered because of the opportunity to diversify markets, strengthen firms and regional economies, and grow well-paying jobs.
Learn more about how FoxFury made crucial connections to dealers in Japan and Germany, establishing the firm as a potential partner in a business where leads and trust can often take years to build.

from The Global Small Business Blog

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Related : Exports Matter: Diversify Markets, Strengthen Firms and Grow Jobs


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