Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Ryan Heath Says Globalization Isn’t Over, It’s Just Outgrowing the World Economic Forum

As Ryan Heath, Editorial Director of Global Growth for Politico says, "Once upon a time globalization was mostly about economics: intensifying trade, falling tariffs, outsourcing and the rise of multinational brands."  He goes on to say, "No longer. Today political risk is multiplying and power is decentralizing, changing globalization with it."

Tensions were on full display recently in Davos.

Columbia University’s Adam Tooze [professor of history] rejected the idea that globalization is ending. “It’s B.S. Ending globalization? Life as we know it would cease to exist,” he told POLITICO. “When people say this, they’re either naive or apocalyptic,” he said, adding “it’s a bad way of thinking about the problem.”

"Globalization isn't over, it's just outgrowing the World Economic Forum," says Heath.

from The Global Small Business Blog https://ift.tt/CoQJm81

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Related : Ryan Heath Says Globalization Isn’t Over, It’s Just Outgrowing the World Economic Forum


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